awalam yaʿlamū anna l-laha yabsuṭu l-riz'qa liman yashāu wayaqdiru inna fī dhālika laāyātin liqawmin yu'minūn
Do not they know that Allah extends the provision for whom He wills and restricts. Indeed, in that surely (are) signs for a people who believe.
Are they, then, not aware that it is God who grants abundant sustenance, or gives it in scant measure, unto whomever He wills? In this, behold, there are messages indeed for people who will believe
Know they not that Allah enlargeth providence for whom He will, and straiteneth it (for whom He will). Lo! herein verily are portents for people who believe
Know they not that Allah enlarges the provision or restricts it, for any He pleases? Verily, in this are Signs for those who believe
Do they not know that Allah gives abundant or limited provisions to whoever He wills? Surely in this are signs for people who believe.
Do they not know that God expands and restricts His provision for whomever He wills? In this are signs for a People who believe.
Do they not know that God grants abundant sustenance to anyone He wishes and gives sparingly to anyone He pleases? Surely there are signs in this for those who believe
Do they not know that Allah makes ample the means of subsistence to whom He pleases, and He straitens; most surely there are signs in this for a people who believe
Know they not that God extends the provision for whomever He wills and tightens it for whom He wills. Truly, in this are, certainly, signs for a folk who believe.
Do they not know that God extends sustenance to anyone He wishes, and budgets it out? There are signs in that for folk who believe.
Don’t they know that Allah enlarges the provision for whom He wills, and straitens it (for whom He wills)? Surely, there are signs in this for those who believe!
Do they not know that God outspreads and straitens provision for whomsoever He will? Truly in that are signs for a people who believe
Don’t they realize that God expands the provision for whom He wills and restricts it as well? In this are signs for people of faith.
Do they not know that God extends the provision to whomever He wills, and constricts it? In that are signs for people who believe
Do they not then know that Allah enlarges the provision for whom He thinks proper and (also) restricts (it to needs as and when He thinks proper)? Surely, in this are indeed signs for a nation who Believe
Do they not know that Allah enlarges the provision for whom He pleases and restricts it from whom He wills? Surely there are signs in this for those who believe
And do they not know that Allah outspreads (His) provision for whomever He decides, and He estimates (it) ? Surely in that are indeed signs for a people who believe
Did they not know that God determines and increases the sustenance of whomever He wants. In this there is evidence (of the truth) for the believing people
Do they not know that it is Allah who extends provision to whomsoever He wills, and straitens (it for whomsoever He wills). Surely in that, there are signs for a people who believe
Do they not know that Allah increases and decreases provision according to His Laws? Herein are Messages for nations who believe in the Divine Laws
Do they not know? Allah increases the provisions _ or restricts them _ for whomever He wants. Indeed, in that is certainly a sign for any believing nation
Do they not know that Allah increases the things (He gives) or reduces them, for anybody whom He pleases? Surely, in this are Signs for those who believe
Do they not know that Allah extends provision for whom He wills and restricts [it]? Indeed in that are signs for a people who believe
Do they not know that God spreads the provision for whomever He chooses, and He restricts? In that are signs for a people who believe.
Do they not know that God provides abun-dantly for anyone He will and gives sparingly to anyone He will? There truly are signs in this for those who believe
Know they not that Allahs expandeth provision for whomsoever He will, and stinteth it for whomsoever He will! Verily herein are signs for a people who believe
Do they not know that God enhances or restricts the provision of any one He will. Surely there are signs in this for people who believe
Do they not know that Allah expands the provision of anyone He wills and restricts it? There are certainly Signs in that for people who have iman.
Do they still not know that God enlarges provision for whom He wills, and restricts it (for whom He wills). Surely in that are signs (of the clear truth) for people who will believe and who will deepen in faith
Do they not know that Allah expands the provision for whomever He wishes and tightens it [for whomever He wishes]? There are indeed signs in that for a people who have faith
Do they not know that Allah enlarges the means of subsistence to whom He wills, and He restricts; most surely there are signs in this for a people who believe
Or did they not know that God increases or decreases the provision for anyone He wants. Indeed, there are signs in that for people who believe.
Do they not know that God can increase the provisions or restrict them for any He pleases? Indeed, in this are signs for those who believe
Don’t they know Allah provides plentifully to some and sparingly to others as He pleases. In that are lessons for the faithful
Do they not know that Allah enlarges and straitens the provision of whomsoever He pleases? Therein are Signs for those that believe
Do they not realize that God spreads the provision for whoever He chooses, and withholds? In that are signs for a people who believe
Do they not know that Allah gives the provision in ample measure to whom He wills and restricts it to whom He wills? Therein are signs for those that believe
Do they not know that Allah enlarges the provision for whomsoever He likes and restricts it for whomsoever He likes? Undoubtedly, in it are signs for the believers.
Do they not realize that GOD is the One who increases the provision for whomever He chooses, and withholds? These are lessons for people who believe.
Do they not know that Allah outspreads and withholds His provision to whosoever He will? Surely, there are signs in this for a believing nation
Know they not that Allah gives ample subsistence to whom He pleases, and He straitens; surely there are signs in this for a people who believe
Do they not see/understand that God spreads/extends the provision to whom He wills/wants, and He is capable/able ? That truly in that (are) evidences/signs (E) to a nation believing
Does man not understand the wisdom of God’s distribution of wealth? [The Lord gives more to some and less to the others not because of their worthiness, ability, being favored or being disgraced by God. Just in order to try them in wealth and in poverty so that they learn how to behave in a righteous manner in any economic situation.]
Do they not know that Allah eases the sustenance for whomever He wills, and restricts it? Indeed in this are signs for the People who Believe
Know they not that ALLAH enlarges the provision for whomsoever HE pleases, and straitens it for whomsoever HE pleases? Verily, in that are Signs for a people who believe
And do they not know that Allah gives abundantly to whom He wills and sparingly (to whom He wills)? Surely, in that are signs for those who (truly) believe
Do they not know that Allah multiplies the means of livelihood (for such of His people) as He will, and makes them scant (for such of them as He pleases.) Behold! there are signs in all this for the people who would believe
Do they not know that Allah enlarges the provision for whom He wills, and straitens it (for whom He wills). Verily, in this are signs for the folk who believe
Do they know that God outspreads and straitens His provision to whomsoever He will? Surely in that are signs for a people who believe
Do they not know that God bestoweth provision abundantly on whom He pleaseth, and is sparing unto whom He pleaseth? Verily herein are signs unto people who believe
Have they not known that God extends His provision to whom He pleases, or doles it out? verily, in that are signs unto a people who believe
Know they not that God giveth supplies with open hand, and that He is sparing to whom He will? Of a truth herein are signs to those who believe
Do they not know that God gives abundantly to whom He will and sparingly also? Surely in this there are signs for true believers
Do they not know that Allah widens the sustenance for whom He pleases and constricts it [for whom He pleases]. Truly in that surely are signs for a people who believe.
Do they not see that Allâh spreads out and straitens sustenance to whomever He wills? Surely in this, there are Signs (of Allâh’s power &glory) for a people who live a life of Genuine Faith.
Do they not know that Allah expands the provision for whom He pleases and tightens it, for in that are signs for people who believe.
Do they not know that Allah enlarges the provision or restricts it for whom He pleases? Truly, in this are signs for the believers.
Have they not come to know that Allah extends provision for whomever He wills, and He restrains (it)? In that are signs for people who believe.
Do they not know that Allah (God) extends sustenance to anyone He wishes, and budgets it out [to whoever He wants]? There are signs in that for folk who believe. (VI)
Have they not known that Allah extends the livelihood for whomever He wills, and quantifies it? Surely within that is verses for a kinfolk who believe.
Are they not aware that it is God who grants sustenance in abundance, or gives it sparingly, to whomever He wills? In this there are signs to those who believe.
Did they not know that Allah extends and expands life sustenance (physical and spiritual nourishment) for whom He wills and constricts it (for whom He wills)! Indeed, there are signs in this for a people who believe.
Do they not know that Allah enlarges the provision for whomever He wills and straitens (it for whomever and whenever He wills). Certainly there are signs in that for a people who believe.
Do they -the infidels- not know that Allah is He Who gives livelihood generously and confers support gratuitously on whom He will and He also gives with restraint and by measure to whom He will! Indeed, there are in this presentation enough signs symbolic of Allah's Omnipotence and Authority, signs conducing contemplation by those whose hearts have been touched with the divine han
And did they not know that God extends the provision to whom He wills and He straitens? Indeed, in that surely are signs for people who believe.
Know they not that God enlarges the provision or restricts it, for any He pleases? Verily, in this are Signs for those who believe
Do not they know that Allah extends the provision for whom He wills and restricts. Indeed, in that surely (are) signs for a people who believe
Awa lam yaAAlamoo anna Allaha yabsutu alrrizqa liman yashao wayaqdiru inna fee thalika laayatin liqawmin yu/minoona
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